Organizing, also known as unionizing, empowers employees to have a strong voice in the workplace. By unionizing, employees can ensure fair treatment and have a say in wages, benefits, and health and safety standards.
It is your legal right to join a trade union and receive union representation. Employers cannot prevent you from becoming unionized. The Newfoundland Labour Relations Act regulates labour relations and collective bargaining in the province, guaranteeing employees the right to seek collective bargaining and providing a framework for making this choice freely.
Labour Relations Act Section 25 - Employer Prohibitions
“25. (1) An employer and a person acting on behalf of an employer shall not seek by intimidation, threat of dismissal or other kind of threat, or by the imposition of a monetary or other penalty or by other means to compel a person to refrain from becoming or to stop being a member, officer or representative of a trade union.”
Our union members play a crucial role in organizing non-union companies, which helps secure the future of our Local. Cooperation and support from union members working in non-union settings are essential to providing greater benefits and protecting workers' rights across the industry. Organizing efforts also create more job opportunities for our membership.
IUOE Local 904 has a team of trained Organizers ready to provide confidential advice and support. Our Organizers will guide you and your coworkers through the organizing process, ensuring a smooth and effective transition. It starts with you!
For assistance or to begin the organizing process, please contact our Organizers.
It is your legal right to join a trade union and receive union representation. Employers cannot prevent you from becoming unionized. The Newfoundland Labour Relations Act regulates labour relations and collective bargaining in the province, guaranteeing employees the right to seek collective bargaining and providing a framework for making this choice freely.
Labour Relations Act Section 25 - Employer Prohibitions
“25. (1) An employer and a person acting on behalf of an employer shall not seek by intimidation, threat of dismissal or other kind of threat, or by the imposition of a monetary or other penalty or by other means to compel a person to refrain from becoming or to stop being a member, officer or representative of a trade union.”
Our union members play a crucial role in organizing non-union companies, which helps secure the future of our Local. Cooperation and support from union members working in non-union settings are essential to providing greater benefits and protecting workers' rights across the industry. Organizing efforts also create more job opportunities for our membership.
IUOE Local 904 has a team of trained Organizers ready to provide confidential advice and support. Our Organizers will guide you and your coworkers through the organizing process, ensuring a smooth and effective transition. It starts with you!
For assistance or to begin the organizing process, please contact our Organizers.

Organizing Card
Submit your signed application in ink to IUOE Local 904. Organize for collective bargaining, fair contracts, workplace safety, improved wages, health benefits, and skilled representation.